Jurassic World Evolution: Return to Jurassic Park takes place following the events of Jurassic Park, set in 1993, and features park designs, dinosaurs and characters from the original film.
There’s a decent amount of content included in that price though, and it’s stuff that long time fans should love. Set to be a piece of premium DLC, Return to Jurassic Park will require Evolution to run, and cost you $19.99 USD. It only makes sense that the latest video game in the franchise, Jurassic World Evolution, would get some of that sweet Park nostalgia. Though, it probably should have been something expected too, since the original movies will be playing a big part in future Jurassic World films. Jurassic World might be the new name of the movie series, but Jurassic Park is making a major comeback, with new DLC and the original movie’s cast.